Tuesday, June 24, 2008


Last night's episode of The Bachelorette was an emotional rollercoaster. When Jesse's parents told DeAnna how they had tried for years to get pregnant and gave up after twelve years, only to find themelves pregnant with Jesse, I found tears welling in my eyes. They explained, although it needed no explanation, that he was a blessing to them and that his name means gift from God. Yes, I was crying. I thought it was wonderful that they opened up to her and shared their trying to conceive struggle with the world. Guess it didn't help that right before the show I read the 'vows' article in the Sunday Times about a couple that first met in 1972 who went their separate ways only to reunite and marry over thirty years later. It was emotional for me when the article touched upon the woman's miscarriage and inability to have children and the death of the groom's son years before. Sometimes Mondays are sad days.

Thursday, June 12, 2008


I love going for acupuncture. It makes me feel relaxed without a stress in the world. Well, it did until today. Honestly, I'm still somewhat relaxed but feeling slightly down after hearing that my acupuncture guru is packing his bags for the suburbs. Yes, he's leaving urban life for a medical building surrounded by chain restaurants. Can't blame him for trying to expand his business, but I may have to look for a new acupuncturist...

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Okay, I Bought It

Yeah, I caved in to my obsession with buying the latest Conceive magazine. Yeah, I am a weak woman. After just a glance at it I am reminded of all the advertisements aimed at other women like myself. Infertility means big bucks for the pharmaceutical industry. Think of all the money being raked in with just the home pregnancy and ovulations tests. Do they really cost that much to manufacture?

Tuesday, June 10, 2008


Hubby and I paid a visit to Borders this weekend. I love checking out the new hardcover books and Borders usually features some great deals. Love finding books that I want to read as well as looking at the marked down books as you never know what treasure you might discover.

Must confess that for the past four or five years whenever I go to a bookstore I usually find myself drawn to the 'Women's Health' shelves...more specifically the 'Inferfility' section. Most of the books I have purchased over the years are now in a box in my closet, but I keep looking for hope in the pages of the latest book on the topic of overcoming infertility. This time I just spent a couple of minutes seeing if there are any new editions to the shelf and then I wandered away. Perhaps my mind is just not into reading another book about infertility.

After grabbing a copy of 'Chasing Harry Winston' by Lauren Weisberger -- because I need a light, frothy novel after reading a Janis Joplin biography -- I went to check the magazines for the latest Conceive issue. I've been buying this magazine since I discovered it about three years ago, and so I added a copy to the other magazines I was about to purchase. Then I had a change of heart. Did I really want a magazine centered on getting pregnant? So, I didn't buy it. I felt really proud of myself at the time and told Hubby about my decision. He commended me and reminded me that maybe it was time to 'move on'. Yes, I suppose it is time to 'move on'...but why am I now obsessed with buying that issue of Conceive?

Monday, June 2, 2008

I Survived the SATC Movie

Last Saturday morning I dragged Darling Husband to the new Sex and The City movie. It wasn't easy, but I reminded him of the countless sporting events I've attended with him...plus, tickets were $6 if we went before noon.

So much estrogen packed into one movie theater early in the morning...The theater was packed full of women so it was no wonder that DH was desperate for java. We arrived early and sat at the end of a row. For some bizarre reason I am a magnet for pregnant women. Yes, two pregnant women sat beside me. What could I do? The movie was about to begin in five minutes and seats were filling up fast. I squeezed DH's hand as the second of the pregnant bellies passed by me and he told me to relax and then reminded me that the movie would soon begin.

Loved the movie not only for the story, but really for the amazing fashion and product placements. It was like one long fashion advertisement. Oh, and that apartment they bought...where did they find the room to make that huge clothes closet? Yes, the closet that every woman salivates over. The closet that only exists in my dreams. Ahhhh. I'd move to Manhattan in a heartbeat if I could afford to live in that apartment.

My only complaint regarding the movie is Charlotte's miraculous pregnancy. Didn't her doctor tell her that she only had a 5-10% chance of conceiving? (Hmmm, or am I confusing her reproductively-challenged life with my own?) It's annoying that they are perpetuating the myth that barren women can conceive once they adopt a child. Is this a scientific fact that has been studied? No, it's just a tidy way to give a character a 'happy-ending'. Personally, I think they should have left Charlotte with her beautiful adopted daughter and added drama by giving her a crisis of faith by either: having her husband come-out as gay or having him suffer from a fatal disease. Thank God that Samantha, and hopefully Carrie, will never have children. Some lives are meant to be 'R' rated, i.e. Adult Only.

P.S. We actually saw someone bringing a girl about ten into the theater. What kind of mother would do that? Has she only seen the TBS version? I actually miss the HBO sexed-up series....maybe I'll have to breakdown and buy it.